
Our Latest High-Efficiency Curing and Inspection Devices

Conozca la mas vendida, innovadora lampara LED UV para el curado de adhesivos UV, altamente eficiente, compacta, robusta. No tiene que tenerla encendida todo el tiempo. Duran una eternidad! Excelente en la inspección de recubrimientos UV

The UVT300-C and UVT600-C are two of our newest and most-popular compact UV LED irradiators. Light-weight and exceptionally powerful for their size, they are especially recommended for medical manufacturing and forensic inspection, as well as the aerospace, automotive, and military industries.


  • Customizable

  • Perfect for both inspection and UV curing

  • Compact, lightweight, and easily handheld ( 50w x 50D x 92H mm, 200g)

  • Available in 365nm, 385nm, 395nm, and 405nm wavelengths

  • Simple and convenient user interface

  • High power/Alta potencia (1500 mW/cm2 : WD = 10mm)

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